Swedish technology company Semcon has developed a new electric pumping system for milk tankers to reduce exhaust emissions and noise levels.
By using an electric motor rather than the conventional method of powering pumps from the truck’s diesel engine, Semcon claims that considerable noise and emissions savings can be made. Costs savings from reduced fuel usage and engine wear and tear would also be significant.
The average tanker pumps milk for about 1,000 hours every year, burning about 5,000 litres of diesel and producing nearly 13 tonnes of CO2 in the process.
Electric motor can be retrofitted to existing trucks
Semcon’s electric motor can be fitted to existing vehicles, meaning companies do not need to invest in new equipment to benefit. The battery for the electric motor is charged while the vehicle is in motion, much like the battery on a hybrid car.
Norwegian company Tine, which is responsible for transporting most of the milk produced in Norway, is planning to install the new pumps in all 250 of its vehicles.
Tine spokesman Frode Eggan says, “We will reduce our diesel consumption by 1.25 million litres per year when all our milk pumps in Norway run on electricity.
“This means CO2 emissions will be reduced by 3,200 tonnes a year, and our costs will be reduced by several million kroner.”
In addition to the reduction in pollution levels, the electric motor is significantly quieter than a diesel engine. There is almost no noise produced during electric pumping, which means that disruptive noise at farms can be reduced significantly while milk is being collected.
Potential to save hundreds of millions of litres of diesel
Semcon claims that 120 million litres of diesel could be saved if all EU dairies were to adopt its electric pumping system. And the technology isn’t limited to milk transportation.
“We have focused on milk here, but really the technology could be applied to anything that is pumped into tankers – grains or pallets, liquids like beer. Incredible amounts of diesel could be saved,” says Hans Peter Havdal, head of division at Semcon.
The project is a joint venture between Semcon, Tine and Norwegian government energy research company Enova.